Dr. Jesse Martinez – Pastor
Pastor Jesse grew up in Tampa, Florida and has faithfully attended Calvary since 2004. He married his high school sweetheart Kyla in 2011. In 2012, Pastor Jesse began working in fulltime ministry at Calvary as the Bookstore Administrator. He and Kyla led Tampa Youth Ranch from 2012-2021. He received his ordination into pastoral ministry in July of 2018.
Pastor Jesse graduated from Florida Bible College of Tampa in 2017 with a bachelor’s degree in biblical studies. In 2024, Pastor Jesse received his accredited Doctor of Ministry (DMin) from Solid Rock Theological Seminary in Kerala, India. He is the host of the BibleLine, the YouTube ministry of Calvary.
Pastor Jesse is driven by the simplicity of God’s Word and the desire to help people know that salvation is available through Jesus Christ. He and his wife reside in Tampa, Florida with one daughter.

Trent Dudley – Youth Director
Trent Dudley and his wife, Cheyenne, are from Athens, Georgia. He has a Bachelor’s degree in Biblical Studies from FBCT and he is passionate about working with youth. He is dedicated to reaching the lost with the gospel and training the saved how to live.

James Maloney – Music Director
James grew up learning to love the Lord at Quentin Road Baptist Church in Lake Zurich, IL. He graduated from Dayspring Bible College with a major in music but also learned what it takes to be in full-time ministry.